
Membership Benefits

Each membership level has benefits associated with it, including 1 free DVD rental for individual and family memberships, 20% off the $25 book dedication free for all memberships, and complimentary Friends logo bags and pins at various other levels.  The membership levels are:

  1. Individual Membership:  $5
  2. Family Membership:  $10
  3. Benefactor Membership:  $50
  4. Business Membership:  $75

Fundraising Goals

Current fundraising goals include raising enough money to continue and expand the discovery pass program and the children’s library media collection.

Recent Contributions

  • Directing and managing used book sales;
  • Purchasing an AWE children’s early learning computer;
  • Purchasing prizes and refreshments for library events;
  • Purchasing the outside book/media drop box;
  • Sponsoring kids programs like “Friday Fun Days”;
  • Sponsoring and purchasing passes for the “Discovery Pass Program”, where patrons can visit museums and local attractions free of charge.

Membership Application

Membership applications are available at the library front desk, along with the Friends meeting schedule.  All members are welcome at the Friends Board meetings.

Membership in the organization is for one year, and runs from October 1st to September 30th.