Online Resource Seminar

online resource seminar
Event Date: 
Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Did you know that you have access to hundreds of research databases that are completely free to use and available 24/7?  All with just your library card!!

During this seminar, the Reference Librarian will walk you through these treasure troves of information and show you how you can use magazine and newspaper archives, ancestry information, small business and legal resources, even Creativebug, a crafter's  paradise!!

Our newest collections include HealthSource, which provides access to full-text health texts and magazines. 

We also have just brought Peterson's Test and Career Prep on board. This resource provides courses that can help you through a variety of common tests, such as medical and nursing tests, real estate exams, plumbing, firefighter, and teaching vocational tests, not to mention the SAT, ACT, and AP tests for high schoolers.  It also has computer skills courses, resume writing tips, interview skills, and  job searching.  

There is something for everyone!!

Come to this seminar to learn what is available to you, and how to access all of it for free, with just your Deptford Library card!!

September 29, 6:30 pm.  All are welcome!